Christmas Musings


I am celebrating the spirit of Christmas with the #UnwrapChristmas blogpost chain. I am thankful to Ankita Shukla for passing on the baton of spreading Christmas joy and spirit to me.

My first memory of Christmas was when I was probably 7 years old. The carols quite grabbed my attention; as did Santa Claus. The red and white of the Santa was quite an attractive combination and the snowy white beard added to the appeal. I was hooked to Santa Claus. From then on, Christmas was something I looked forward to – for the stars, the decorations, Santa and of course the scrumptious cakes!

For me, Christmas is a time to reflect on the year that has gone by and prepare myself for a new beginning. With just a week separating Christmas and New Year, it’s that time of the year when I think most about the good and bad things I did. Christ’s birth and the good deeds he did is always inspiring. I think the timing of Christmas couldn’t be any better. Every year is not the same; some end quite well while others go the opposite direction. Either way, this time of the year means so much to me – to thank for the good times I had and to hope for good times ahead.

It’s also a time I see a lot of warmth and love. It’s infectious and I also end up paying it forward. The happiness and contentment that you get by spreading joy all around is indescribable. I tend to think a lot on why we cannot do this all through the year and not just for Christmas. We are so bogged down by life and its vagaries that we fail to make that little time, that subtle adjustment which can change hatred to love, sorrow to joy and enmity to friendship. The spirit of Christmas may be an intangible thing; however, when you channel that to actions that are directed at the common good, what you see is a remarkable, tangible change around you. I wish people appreciated this more and converted the spirit of Christmas to what I call ‘Spirit of Human Lifetime’.

Lastly, Christmas reminds me to be happy. When I see all the colors around, the beautiful music and the bubbly Santa, I feel happy for being alive. Christmas has a way of channeling the morose me into a happy me. I think it’s very important to be happy because it makes us positive. Being positive helps us appreciate the colors around us, the happiness around us, and be very much a part of it. All festivals have this uncanny ability to drive your sorrows away and make you happy in the present. Christmas is the last festival of the year, and that is an additional reason for me to be happy and peaceful. Life can wait, there is Christmas around now!

Wishing all my readers a Merry Christmas!

I now invite Ramya Rao to carry forth the Christmas cheer.

 An InLinkz Link-up


I'm an avid reader and writer. Reading gets me a feeling of understanding the world through different perspectives and writing helps me outline my thoughts from the cobwebs that the mind has trapped it in!

18 thoughts on “Christmas Musings

  1. Such a beautiful post Sreedeep! I agree with you, why can’t we have such happiness and cheer all through the year. It is indeed a time to be reflective but there is also a lot of hope and happiness revolving around the onset of a new year. Happy tidings be with you and yours. Merry Christmas!!

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  2. Christmas has been an integral part of my life too, thanks to studying in a convent. Its still a big thing in my life and I end up doing a bash at my place to celebrate it! Wishing you a very joyous and happy new year Sreedeep!

    Liked by 1 person

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